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Upgrading a Florida Certification Board Certification

Upgrading from a CAC to a CAP is a relatively simple process. Here at the Academy we teach to the highest standard of the course – the CAP. This means that once students qualify for a higher certification – whether they were limited by a formal education requirement or a work experience deficiency – they may apply to the Florida Certification Board for an upgraded certification.

The process, if a certified counselor wishes to upgrade is as follows:

  1. Submit a written upgrade request to the Florida Certification Board
  2. An upgrade fee will be due when asked for by the FCB
  3. FCB staff will review the request to ensure that all criteria for upgrading have been met
  4. The candidate will be notified by mail if any additional information is needed
  5. Upon approval, the candidate will be upgraded appropriately

Please bear in mind that certified professionals wishing to upgrade to the CAP will also have to pass the IC&RC AODA if they are seeking international reciprocity.

Please contact us or the Florida Certification Board if you have any questions about upgrading your certification.

Florida Certification Board
1715 S. Gadsden St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 222-6314
Fax: (850) 222-6247