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Addiction Counselor Certification Reciprocity

One of the many benefits of receiving training from the Academy for Addiction Professionals and a certification from the Florida Certification Board (FCB) is the reciprocity that some of the certifications allow in other states. This means that depending on the certification, you may be able to transfer it to another state without retaking a course.

The three certifications that have reciprocity in other states in accordance with International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) standards are:

Masters Level Certified Addiction Professional (MCAP)
Certified Addiction Professional (CAP)

Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)

In order to earn the IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC) credential, the student must pass the IC&RC written exam. This automatically makes them eligible to apply for reciprocity. It is important that both CAPs and CACs know that the IC&RC sets the minimum standards for reciprocity, however individual states may impose more stringent requirements to reciprocate your license.

Following is a list of states and territories that reciprocate with the FCB certifications above. Click on a link to learn more about reciprocation in each state:

Alabama Louisiana Ohio
Arizona Maryland Oklahoma
Arkansas Massachusetts Pennsylvania
California Michigan Rhode Island
Connecticut Minnesota South Dakota
Delaware Mississippi Texas
D.C. Missouri Utah
Georgia Nebraska Virginia
Hawaii Nevada West Virginia
Idaho New Hampshire
Illinois New Jersey
Indiana New Mexico
Iowa New York
Kentucky North Carolina


States that Do Not Participate in ADC Reciprocity

Certain states do not offer the Alcohol and Addiction Counselor (ADC) equivalent designation. As such, the CAC/CAP/MCAP designation from the Florida Certification Board may not be reciprocal. And while some of the following states participate in the IC&RC reciprocal program, they may not offer the ADC. Each state will have its own regulations and may or may not accept education credits taken at our program, so we strongly encourage students in these states to check with their local licensing board. States with no ADC reciprocity include:

  • Alaska
  • Colorado (Peer Specialist and Peer Recovery only)
  • Kansas (Prevention Specialist only)
  • Maine
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon (Peer Specialist and Peer Recovery only)
  • South Carolina (Prevention Specialist only)
  • Tennessee (Prevention Specialist only)
  • Vermont (Peer Recovery only)
  • Washington (Prevention Specialist only)
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming (Prevention Specialist only)

The list above is subject to change. Please contact your board for more information.

Related Topics:
IC&RC Written Exam
Upgrading From a CAC to a CAP
Maintaining Certifications in Different States