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Master’s Level Certified Addiction Professional (MCAP)

As one of the Florida Certification Board’s latest credentials, the Master’s Level Certified Addiction Professional or MCAP designation gives addiction professionals with a master’s degree in a related field additional recognition within the industry.

Who Benefits?

  • As a result of their previous studies, candidates with a Master’s degree in a related field will be able to achieve MCAP status.
  • Current Certified Addiction Professionals who also have a Master’s degree in a  related field may upgrade their certification through the Florida Certification Board. This process may vary depending on when the student obtained their CAP.
  • Those holding a license under Florida Statutes Chapters 458, 459, 490, 491, or are a Psychiatric Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) with certain preconditions may apply for the MCAP with the added benefit of a shortened process.

MCAP Requirements (For New Applicants)

Category: Requirement:
Degree: Master’s Degree in a related field. (see below for a list of related fields
Work Experience: 4,000 hours of direct professional-level experience in the addictions field
Supervision: 200 hours of direct supervision. A minimum of 20 hours must be documented in each of the professional practice dimensions.
Training: 161 hours of training. At least 15 hours must be allocated to an elective, among one of the professional practice dimensions:

If you already hold a CAP, your training can be used toward the MCAP by ensuring you have the following 20 hours of training.

Criminal Background: Must have a clean criminal history for a minimum of 3 years prior to application for certification, including release from all sanctions.
Recommendations: 3 professional letters of recommendation for certification.
Code of Ethics: Applicants must attest that they are bound by and will follow the FCB Code of Ethics in their professional practice.
Written Test: Must earn a passing score on the Florida Specific MCAP Exam. Must earn a passing score on the IC&RC AODA Written Exam if international reciprocity is desired. To see the exam requirements, click the following link: addiction exam
Renewal: 20 CEUs each year

Special MCAP Programs

The Florida Certification Board has separate requirements for two special programs within the MCAP certification. The MCAP for Licensed Professionals and the MCAP Upgrade for Current CAPs have their own qualification and education requirements.

Related Fields

The MCAP requires education in a “related field” as determined by the Florida Certification Board. Below are examples of related fields. If you believe that your degree is related but is not listed in the FCB’s application guide, you may be able to appeal. The FCB suggests that you review their appeal policies beforehand as application fees are non-refundable.

Counseling, including:

  • Addiction Studies/Counseling
  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Pastoral Counseling
  • Rehabilitation Counseling
  • Recreational Therapy/Counseling

Psychology, including:

  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Expressive Arts TherapySocial Work

Social Work

Advanced Nurse Practitioner with psychiatric specialty

Degrees must be conferred by educational institutions holding United States Department of Education and/or the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognized accreditation at the time of degree award.

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