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Recovery Coach Training

Are you ready to help others while advancing your career in field of addiction? Become a Recovery Coach with The Academy for Addiction Professionals.

Empower Your Clients to ACT – Accept…Commit…and Take Charge

A recovery coach has the ability to be a catalyst for change while helping individuals suffering from the disease of addiction.

What Is a Recovery Coach?

A recovery coach acts as a partner in the recovery process.  Whether a client is in the throes of addiction or already well into their recovery, you will be able to assist them throughout all stages of their recovery by offering guidance, strength, and support.

A Recovery Coach’s responsibilities may include but are not limited to…

  • Working with the client and their family to find appropriate resources for initiating and maintaining recovery.
  • Minimize the obstacles to recovery by identifying challenges to and opportunities for long-term sobriety.
  • Offering support to the addicted individual and their families as they enter and progress through treatment and recovery.
  • Assist in post-treatment maintenance of sobriety by directing the recovering addict to appropriate resources and support systems.

While a Recovery Coach will have a degree of mental health knowledge, they are not counselors and therefore will not treat clients on a clinical level. However recovery coaches do have ethical and professional responsibilities to which they must adhere. They should also follow confidentiality practices to the same degree that medical professionals would.

What Will You Learn?

Our 30 hour course will be held online for maximum convenience. Key topics will include:

  • What coaching is and isn’t and how it differs from counseling
  • Foundational principles of addiction and its treatment including co-occurring disorders, crisis intervention, referral and service coordination
  • Understanding the recovery process including its principles, stages of change, beliefs and values, emotion management and setting goals
  • Coaching skills including knowledge on learning styles, language, communication, relationships and motivational interviewing
  • Conducting interviews, self-discovery, creating a vision statement and creating an ACTion plan
  • Professional readiness including ethics and boundaries, cultural competence, self-care and professional development