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Employee Training & Development

While it can be one of the most fruitful activities in a proactive organization, employee training and development is often an afterthought, or worse, neglected altogether. Exceptional and regular employee development is invaluable, providing tangible benefits to organizations and professionals alike. These include:

  • Minimizing costly mistakes
  • Creating the leaders of the future
  • Retaining top talent
  • Improving customer and client satisfaction

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) the average salaried worker remained with their current employer for approximately 4.6 years, as of January 2014. While this tenure has improved over the past decade, even greater strides must be made. A comprehensive talent retention program through training and development has two immediate benefits:

  • Retention of employees that have established themselves with clients and customers and have a proven track record of success
  • Minimization of turnover that can cost anywhere from a few thousand, to tens of thousands of dollars per new hire, depending on skill level and position

Training Alone Is Not Enough

To realize the true benefit of training and development, organizations must understand their limitations and weaknesses, as well as know how to measure the effectiveness of the training programs they implement. The Academy for Addiction Professionals can not only set up effective training programs based on an organization’s needs but also assist management in tracking results.

Cutting overhead saves money, but our clients understand that developing their human resources can unlock even more value. They strongly believe that each and every employee can make a difference both on their own and as part of the team – if given the right tools for success and self-betterment.