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Addiction Counselor Industry Growth

The addiction counselor and substance abuse counselor field has grown by leaps and bounds and is expected to grow quickly, according to the US Government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is no wonder that the field has been growing, as the list of addictive substances and activities has grown over the past several decades.

Within the addiction counseling field, growth in employment from 2020-2030 is projected to be higher than average with Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselor job growth at 23%

Of course, this may not reflect regional projections in addiction counselor employment. These projections may turn out to be higher or lower than the national average.

This projected growth is a result of the ever-growing awareness of drug and alcohol addiction that has spurred an increase in admissions to rehab centers. Unfortunately, it is also due to the massive increase in prescription drug abuse which similarly has increased the rolls of those in recovery, especially in the younger demographic. The growth in recent years and projected growth over the next decade has led to an ever greater need for qualified and experienced addiction and substance abuse counselors nationwide.

With this growth and demand for qualified individuals comes additional opportunity for career advancement and ever higher salary potential. Learn more about current and projected salaries and earnings of professionals in the addiction, mental health and substance abuse field.

Learn More:

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Rehabilitation Counselors, on the Internet at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ (visited Mar 5, 2022).