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Legal, Professional and Ethical Responsibilities

CRRA Class #5

20 hours, taken online

Course Overview:

  • Uphold resident’s rights at all times.
  • Maintain resident’s confidentiality in accordance with state and federal laws, specifically 42 CFR and HIPAA.
  • Follow established professional codes of ethics and standards of practice in order to promote the best interests of the residents and of the profession.
  • Ensure the recovery residence is culturally responsive and competent as evidenced by written staffing plans that identify the residence’s priority population and their needs, and requires cultural responsiveness/competence training relevant to the priority populations needs.
  • Ensure marketing materials, claims, and advertising are honest, ethical, and substantiated.
  • Implement and maintain staffing and leadership policies and procedures.
    Recovery Residence Administrator (CRRA) Role Delineation Study (RDS) Report
  • Seek supervision, legal advice or other expert input as necessary and appropriate to competently perform as a recovery residence administrator.

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