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Co-Occurring Disorders CEU Course

Prevalence rates show that individuals with co-occurring disorders are common in both the substance abuse and mental health treatment systems. This course will provide participants with an understanding of the concept and term: co-occurring disorders.

Participants will become familiar with the assessment, symptoms, and treatment of co-occurring disorders, and will be provided with an example of a special population that exists within the realm of co-occurring disorders.

Course Objectives

On completion of this course, participants will be able to identify/demonstrate familiarity with:

  • The definition and terms related to co-occurring disorders.
  • The assessment of co-occurring disorders and common symptoms.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and mental health concerns.
  • The symptoms of specific co-occurring disorders.
  • Available treatments for clients with co-occurring disorders.
  • A special population example and co-occurring disorders.


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