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Online Certified Behavioral Health Technician Class

We’re very proud to announce the launch of the online version of the Certified Behavioral Technician or CBHT class. The CBHT class prepares future addiction techs for the challenges and opportunities that come with working with clients in the treatment industry. The insight gained from this class is exceptionally valuable and this certification can further your career.

The CBHT class is a complement to over a dozen other classes currently available online through our addiction training website. Interested students may take courses towards their Certified Behavioral Health Technician (CBHT)Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) or Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) certifications depending on their level of education and experience in the industry. All of our classes train students to take and pass the Florida Certification Board exam.

We look forward to welcoming you into our family of students with our 30 hour CBHT class. Please feel free to contact us if you would like any additional information about this or any of the other classes available to you. You can sign up for our classes at https://addictionacademy.digitalchalk.com