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Trends in Drug Abuse

Naloxone – The New, Lifesaving Drug?

The opiate overdose epidemic has hit home on every level. On one hand, the news and entertainment industries have finally […]

Ben Brafman on “Fox & Friends”

Ben Brafman visits the “Fox & Friends” studio to discuss The Academy for Addiction Professionals and his age-specific and gender-specific […]

Surgeon General Announces a Breakthrough Report

The Surgeon General of the United States recently announced plans for the first-ever Surgeon General’s Report on substance abuse, addiction […]

Jail Diversion Programs – The Future of Criminal Justice?

Court ordered addiction treatment programs that serve to divert non-violent criminals with mental illness and substance abuse issues have gained […]

Palcohol – A New Plague or More Of The Same?

A fresh round of outrage is being leveled at government regulators and alcohol manufacturers alike for a relatively new phenomenon […]

Concerns Regarding The E-Cigarette Trend

Even though they have been marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes also known as e-cigs, vape pens […]

Can a New Pain Pill Mean More Addiction?

It’s just around the corner. A new opioid pain medication promises to increase the effectiveness of pain management by offering […]