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Laws and Rules

This Ain’t Your Parents’ Marijuana

The debate over the efficacy and safety of marijuana has raged for decades. On one side is the quintessential, lovable […]

Naloxone – The New, Lifesaving Drug?

The opiate overdose epidemic has hit home on every level. On one hand, the news and entertainment industries have finally […]

Jail Diversion Programs – The Future of Criminal Justice?

Court ordered addiction treatment programs that serve to divert non-violent criminals with mental illness and substance abuse issues have gained […]

The Scourge of Synthetic Marijuana

Of the 1.2 million Emergency Room visits related to illicit drugs in 2011, only 28,531 were related to synthetic marijuana […]

Concerns Regarding The E-Cigarette Trend

Even though they have been marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes also known as e-cigs, vape pens […]

Newly Popular THC Product Hitting The Market

As we’ve seen more and more often lately, those looking to stay ahead of drug enforcement are coming up with […]

What Is The Florida Certification Board?

The Florida Certification Board is the private regulatory body in Florida that oversees the certification of addiction counselors and other […]

The Link Between Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

The differences between substance abuse and mental illness are often blurred, especially because they are often treated as co-occurring disorders. […]

Why Is The Baker Act So Important?

The Baker Act, also known as the Florida Mental Health Act of 1971, is extremely important because it lays the […]