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Substance Abuse Counselor Responsibilities

Becoming a substance abuse counselor is a long process and rightly so. Remember, counselors have a very real responsibility to their clients and as such must be well trained and experienced. If you have looked at the certification requirements on our website, you’ll see that it is not easy task to become a counselor. It requires thousands of hours of work experience, minimum education levels and the completion of a comprehensive educational course.

Now that we’ve determined it is not easy to become a counselor, we should define what a substance abuse counselor’s role actually is. First and foremost a counselor will be responsible for developing a treatment plan that best suits a client’s individual needs. They will follow well established principles, but use their judgment and experience to apply those principles to unique clients. Counselors must also be aware of the community resources around them that can help an addict with other co-occurring disorders including medical problems that are often present in addicted individuals. Counselors must also be able to communicate effectively with their clients, supervisors and community partners to ensure the very best treatment for their client.

Ultimately the counselor acts as a trusted advisor and partner in fighting addiction. With a substance abuse counselor’s help, an addict should be able to leave recovery with a new found sense of purpose and self and begin on their journey to a clean life. A successful treatment program does not necessarily guarantee a relapse-free life. Most addicts will, in fact, relapse one or more times in the future. However a truly exceptional counselor will have put safeguards in place which allow the addict and those around them to realize when they have put themselves in danger – the result is catching a relapse in its earliest stages or prevent it altogether.

A substance abuse counselor’s job is far more than talking an addict through treatment. Counselors have ethical and moral responsibilities they have to follow, all while making sure every action they take is legal. A counselor’s job is by no means easy, however it is truly rewarding. Navigate our website further to learn more about how you can make the most of a substance abuse counselor certification.