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The Benefits of Hiring Certified Behavioral Techs

Today, with a need for growth and by providing a basic level of training, many addiction treatment facilities are hiring behavioral health technicians. Some of these hires do not have the skills to effectively manage clients. With the significant increase in demand for addiction techs, it is important that they are qualified and properly trained. Further, with treatment programs getting larger and larger, techs must be able to adapt quickly and make decisions on the fly. Techs that have the knowledge and ability to manage clients may also be happier in their jobs and experience less stress. Understanding how to manage clients, crises and possible violence can often lead to less employment turnover and greater satisfaction among the ranks of the techs.

For the above and many other reasons, addiction techs are a crucially important part of successful treatment. They are, after all, the employees that spend the most time with the clients – day and night. Having well-trained techs can mean the difference between chronic administrative, legal and ethical issues and running a smooth operation outside of daily treatment and counseling.

That’s why we provide education and training for the Certified Behavioral Health Technician designation or CBHT as administered by the Florida Certification Board. Certified techs receive the knowledge upon which successful client relations are based. Further, the CBHT does not require a significant investment of time and money. In other words, it is accessible to facilities for whom budget is a concern. It is also a good option for existing techs who wish to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the near future.