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The Academy Launches Online Continuing Education

2012 marked the completion of The Academy for Addiction Professionals’ online certification course for Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) and Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) designations. We also launched the Certified Behavioral Health Technician (CBHT) certification course.

In 2013, it is our goal to add a comprehensive suite of continuing education courses to our online delivery system. As of today’s blog post, we have four continuing education courses, each comprising two hours of continuing education. Topics include HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence, The Baker Act and The Marchman Act. Each of these courses is priced at $10 per credit hour.

Our online courses follow the basic premise of our in-person, live classes, which is to offer comprehensive training and a unique perspective to the material. Our purpose is to prepare current and future professionals for situations that may arise over the course of their work.

We look forward to adding many more continuing education classes throughout the coming year, so please check back often for more announcements on these and other courses. Continuing education programs can also be arranged on-site for qualifying addiction treatment facilities in South Florida.

If your facility would be interested in an on-site training continuing education or certification course for multiple employees, we encourage you to give us a call.