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On-Site Continuing Education Opportunities

One of the many benefits of partnering with the Academy for Addiction Professionals to provide your employees with continuing education credits is our flexibility in course offerings. With dozens of topics from which you can choose, we can cover virtually any relevant topic to your particular focus.

Further, we offer unbeatable flexibility in the forum at which these continuing education programs are held. In-person training can be scheduled at one of our two locations, at a third party location such as a local hotel or conference center and even right at your own office.

With our fully customized training programs, we aim to make continuing education both interesting and useful, adding to your staff’s competence. Further, we emphasize convenience to ensure that your employees require minimal downtime to receive the education necessary to improve themselves and their careers.

To learn more about our flexible continuing education classes, please send us your contact information at: https://www.addictionacademy.com/ceu-event-request.php