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Our New Certified Recovery Support Specialist Course

As an approved education provider for the Florida Certification Board, we aim to offer the courses that will be most beneficial to a career in the addiction field. In that spirit we are very proud to have launched the Certified Recovery Support Specialist or CRSS class for those who assist clients during their treatment for substance abuse issues.

Students will be trained to provide support for the client as well as to effectuate referral and service coordination to prepare the client for life after treatment. As a result, the CRSS needs to have an in-depth knowledge of many of the core principles of addiction including its origins, its effects, treatments and prognoses. Various elective classes are also part of the curriculum allowing for in depth exploration of important topics that often materialize in addiction treatment.

Classes will begin at our new Delray Beach campus location and are also available for distance learning students on through our online class platform. The 75 hour course is divided into five individual classes and will span the course of 12 weeks. We look forward to seeing you in class or online and encourage you to use the form on the right to get more information about this and the other certification courses we offer here at the Academy.