Our Newsletter is Launching Soon
The Academy for Addiction Professionals newsletter is just over the horizon. Our inaugural issue is slated for distribution in the early part of December and we are currently compiling information of interest for those who will receive it. Topics will include the latest news from the Academy and the addition industry in general, a student and teacher spotlight as well as various contributions from familiar faces and names in the field of addictions and beyond.
The newsletter will be e-mailed on a monthly basis to those who have opted in (you may sign up for our newsletter below). Hard copies will also be distributed to our partners and students. Copies will always be available at our locations in Delray Beach and Fort Lauderdale. Please feel free to request a subscription – it is completely free.
You can participate in our newsletter too! We are always looking for interesting stories or news that we can highlight to our subscribers. Whether you are a current or former student, you can let us know what you’ve been up to recently and how The Academy played a role in your development.
We hope that this newsletter offers interesting context and useful advice. We look forward to being able to connect with you through yet another medium to bring the latest and best straight to your inbox!
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