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The War Room

This month, let’s talk about charity. I was recently filmed (watch it here) taking the ALS ice bucket challenge. As the freezing cold water was poured over me – slowly I’ll have you know – and I froze my rear end off, it became clear how little it takes to make a big impact. A simple bucket of ice and a dare has turned into tens of millions for ALS research.

We, in general, are used to a good life when compared to many other nations. We often work ourselves into a frenzy sweating the small stuff when, in fact, we are very fortunate in our daily lives. The result can lead to anxiety, depression, substance abuse and relapse. Sometimes, we stop to think of those, both here and abroad, that have it a lot harder than we do. However, this thought is often fleeting and we go back to our daily worry. I dare you to challenge that and give just a small piece of your good fortune, no matter what form it may take, to others.

I would never say that you (or anyone else) are obligated to donate a part of your life or finances to charity – it is ultimately your choice what you do with your time and money. However, please consider how one action, or even the smallest financial consideration, can help those in their time of need.

I have been fortunate enough to start a charity of my own and understand how together , we can make a real difference. The Guardian Behavioral Health Foundation is just one of the hundreds and thousands of worthwhile charities that change our lives, or those of the ones we love, each and every day. Take a deep look inside and see what you can do for someone else today.