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Grandfathering of CRRA Educational Requirements

The Certified Recovery Residence Administrator designation, as delineated and administered by the Florida Certification Board, has become a virtual requirement for anyone who manages a recovery residence in Florida. While the Florida Certification board originally designated March 31, 2017 as the deadline for taking the requisite courses, and getting certified under new Florida guidelines, the deadline has been extended to October 1st.

The Florida Certification Board allows students who submit 25 or more hours of CRRA training before October 1 to take the rest of their training and receive their credential by February 1, 2018. This allows recovery residence administrators a significant reprieve. During the grandfathering period, our students can take CRRA course #4 to fulfill this requirement.

To that end, The Academy for Addiction Professionals is maintaining our exceptionally low prices our CRRA training until this deadline, after which our pricing will increase to our standard rates.