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Employee Training Options for Facilities

The Academy for Addiction Professionals has always been proud of our relationships with treatment centers across Florida and throughout the nation. We appreciate the trust they place in our programs to educate their employees. Oftentimes, whether at our classrooms or on-site, facilities have to set aside their employees’ time, usually all at once, to ensure they receive the appropriate continuing education.

We have launched online classes that allow more students than ever to get the education that they need to maintain their certifications even in rural areas that are underserved by vocational schools. More recently, we have expanded our online offerings to give facilities more control over educating their employees and tracking their progress. Today, we have two options that allow facilities to conveniently offer and track education courses for their employees.

Shared Education Portal

Our shared education portal offers individual students the ability to take their continuing education, and importantly for facilities, it also allows facility managers or HR directors to sign up multiple students at once, keep their payments up-to-date and track their progress through the courses available. Once employees complete each course, both the individual and facility have access to their completion certificate for verification.

Custom Portal

We are also proud to offer dedicated portals for facilities with many employees that need annual continuing education credits. These portals are set up specifically for facilities that require them and are dedicated and customized to their requirements. Portals can contain any available courses that the facility deems necessary for their employees’ compliance and can accommodate an unlimited number of users. Administrators have direct access to the portal to verify compliance and spreadsheet reports can be downloaded at any time to ensure participation.

Facility managers and HR directors interested in our facility programs may contact us to discuss the option that suits them best.