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Star Wars, Darth Vader, and Mental Illness

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Mental illness and addictive tendencies are often portrayed in the movies. Today, we explore one of Ben Brafman’s passions – Star Wars – and the theme of mental illness and addiction that runs through the series of films. We focus particularly on Darth Vader, a.k.a. Anakin Skywalker, and what pushed him to become possibly the greatest villain in cinema history. Ben breaks down Darth Vader’s youth and life circumstances that led him to become this most iconic of characters and his eventual redemption.

Vader is portrayed as an evil mastermind, but you may see similar traits, habits, or behaviors in less obvious ways in the people around you. While Darth Vader’s portrayal is very much in your face, behavioral health issues are far more subtle, especially in the early stages. Part of being an effective counselor is recognizing these behaviors, which is best learned through experience with seasoned counselors.

You’ll notice that all addiction certifications require work experience and supervision hours. Rather than looking at them as an onus, understand that your time with knowledgeable counselors is invaluable – it will make your career more fruitful and allow you to help more people more significantly.