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New Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) Training Requirements from the FCB

The Academy for Addiction Professionals was notified recently that the Florida Certification Board modified its training standards for the Certified Addiction Professional in early July. The CAP designation has been split into two tiers to better align with many of our students’ breadth of degrees.

One of the biggest concerns we had from professionals looking to take the CAP centered around the degrees needed to qualify them for the certification. By splitting out these degrees and creating two tiers of CAP, the Florida Certification Board has done a great job acknowledging a student’s relevant work experience and further distinguishing their educational achievements. We have updated the requirements for the CAP tier 1 and tier 2 on our website, and those links can be found below:

We are currently updating our coursework to reflect these new requirements and students will soon benefit from lower costs to complete their training in both cases. We encourage you to contact us with any questions about the training program. We also encourage you to contact the Florida Certification Board if you have any questions about these or any other requirements that they stipulate for certification.