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Palcohol – A New Plague or More Of The Same?

A fresh round of outrage is being leveled at government regulators and alcohol manufacturers alike for a relatively new phenomenon […]

The Scourge of Synthetic Marijuana

Of the 1.2 million Emergency Room visits related to illicit drugs in 2011, only 28,531 were related to synthetic marijuana […]

Families – And The Roles They Play

“The stones thrown from close-up hurt more than those thrown from afar” “You can choose your friends, but you sho’ […]

Technology Addiction: A Real or Virtual Problem?

Technology and Internet addiction is a highly debated topic. What is it? What constitutes a Technology/Internet addict? And ultimately, does […]

Most Who Drink Excessively Are Not Alcoholics

A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study, working alongside The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration […]

Making the Most of Your 2015 Resolutions

One of the most valuable concepts that we learn during the course of addiction treatment is how to set goals. […]

How To Manage The Holidays

The ideal holiday is a time for celebration and being together. For many of us, especially those suffering from substance […]

The State of Substance Abuse in The US

To coincide with national recovery month the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA released a report on […]

Newly Popular THC Product Hitting The Market

As we’ve seen more and more often lately, those looking to stay ahead of drug enforcement are coming up with […]

Recovery Coach Course Launching Soon

The Academy for Addiction Professionals is excited to announce launch of our Recovery Coach Training course. Since the family unit […]

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